Unit 6 How do you feel? PartB Let’s talk教案

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Unit 6 How do you feel? PartB Let’s talk教案

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PEP六年级上册教学设计Unit Six How do you feel PartB Let’s talk一、教材分析PEP小学英语六上第6单元How do you feel 主要围绕人的情绪、情感变化展开话题学习。本节课的教学内容为该单元的第三课时对话课。文本对话人物为Sarah、Sam、Mum,话题内容为Sarah和Sam因为爸爸生病而不能去动物园与妈妈之间的产生对话。话题情境与语言功用为能够在情景中运用”He/You should... / Don’tbe ...”在别人情绪低落的时候提出建议,知道关心他人,为他人着想。本节课教材内容相对前两个单元较简单,文本话轮较少,文本中Mum给予的情绪建议不够充分,文本核心句型不够突出。文本篇幅比重更倾向对”爸爸生病导致的身体上的feel”的关注而对于Sam、Sarah情绪的关注较少。因此,这需要执教教师在备课时多加关注和思考。二、学情分析在前两课时中学生已经掌握5个情绪单词:sad、angry、happy、worried、afraid,能够运用上述单词描述自己或他人的情绪,并已了解feel+表示感受和感情的形容词的用法。这位本节课情绪的表达奠定了基础。六年级的学生对于feeling这个话题可以说非常熟悉,处于小升初这个特殊时期的学生情绪起伏较大,也比较难控制自己的一些不好的情绪,因此本课的学习能够很好的引起学生的共鸣。此外,六年级学生已经形成一定的听、说、读、写能力,思维能力以及对待事情的思辨能力逐步增强,有较好的合作意识,这为教师在本节课中带领学生深入探讨情绪变化以及为他人提建议提供了保障。三、设计思路以及整合点1.情境创设思路:以本单元的主情境图为故事背景,以主人公Sarah的情绪为主线将教学内容进行对比和串联,在引导学生猜测主人公情绪变化的过程中导入对话教学,使故事的发展有因有果,课堂情景浑然一体。2.教学内容整合点:本课以B Lets talk的对话为学习的主文本,以B Let’s learn 部分表达建议的短语:take a deep breath、see a doctor...作为提出情绪建议的依据;舍弃了原有Let’s try 部分的内容,变成依据单元主情境图设计的听力内容更好的导入对话教学;将原有Let’s talk 下方Act with you friends的打电话练习与Let’s learn中的Play card games进行融合和改编,变成教学中巩固与拓展环节的4人/组的组内循环交流,形式更简单,交流更充分。四、教学目标1.语用知识:①词汇:wrong, ill, should, feel, well ②短语:see a doctor, take a deep breath ③句型:He should see a doctor. Don’t be sad.2.语用技能:①能够在图片和教师的帮助下理解对话大意,并回答读后问题。②能够按照正确的语音、语调及意群朗读对话。③能够在语境中理解句子what’s wrong 的含义,理解ill, not well的意思,并能正确发音。④能够听、说、读、写,并在情景中运用句型:He/You should... Don’t be ... 为他人提建议。⑤能够运用所学核心句型为情绪低落的朋友提出建议。3.情感目标:①知道关心他人,为他人着想。②能够为身边情绪低落的朋友提出建议,给予帮助。4.思维品质:①学会表达自己的观点和想法,对待事物有思辨能力。②学会寻求帮助,懂得合作学习并接纳别人合理的建议。五、教学重、难点1.重点:能够理解对话大意,并在情景中运用句型:You/He should... Don’t be ... 为他人提建议。2.难点:能够运用所学核心句型为情绪低落的朋友提出口头建议,能写出建议。六、教学辅助工具PPT、练习纸、翻页笔七、教学时间35分钟八、教学过程1. Pre-teaching①问好+自我介绍②Free talk+板书标题T:I feel happy now because I have English class with all of you, my new students. So,How do you feel now (边问边贴标题)S1:I feel ... / S2: I feel ...③Presentation呈现主情境图A.Look and SayQs: What are they doing Are they happy B.Look and ListenQs: Is Sarah sill angry Why 2.While-teaching①Listen and answerT: Listen to the tape and tell me why they feel unhappy Ss: Listen to the tape and choose B. they can’t go to the zoo.T: Oh, they can’t go to the zoo. What a pity! But why they can’t go to the zoo Ss: Because father is ill. (教师粘贴 ill 卡片,并带读ill。)②Watch and sayA.T: Their father is ill. How does dad feel now What should he do Please watch the video and find out the answers.Ss: He feels not well.T:出示2张图片帮助学生进一步理解 not well。B.T:What should dad do Ss: He should see a doctor./ go to hospital.T:粘贴句型卡片(He should see a doctor.学生跟读录音该句。)③Think and shareT:Seeing a doctor is good for sick people. But I think that’s not enough. What should he do at home Ss: Talk in pairs,then share later. Use the key sentence: He should...④Read and talkA.T: How does Sarah feel And how about Sam Ss: She is sad. / He feels angry.T:(粘贴单词卡片 sad、angry。)B.Q: What does he say when he’s angry Ss: Read the dialogs after the video. (指导学生读的技巧。)Find the sentence: Oh, no!T: Invite some students to read in angry voice.C.T: When people are angry, they always say or do some crazy things like these:(PPT 出示若干生气时的情绪表现图。)Ss:判断这样做是否合适,说说原因。⑤Discuss in pairT:Sam is angry,too. What’s mom’s suggestion for him Ss:Find and say the sentence: Don’t be sad,we can go next time.(男女生扮演Sam\Mum读。)(就妈妈的建议进行讨论,Is it helpful Good Not bad )T: Do you have any more suggestions What’s your suggestion Ss:Discus in pairs,then talk about it.⑥Read in rolesT: Who wants to read Mum Show me your hand And Sam\ Sarah Ss: 根据自己的喜好选择想要读的人物语句。3.Post-teaching①Summarize the dialogues,then Ss talk in four.(从文本学习转移到学生自己身上,并寻求同龄人的帮助。)②帮助他人,将建议写下来。作业1.Read the dialogues and send your reading to your class QQ.2. Surf on the Internet to find books about feelings,then share in your class.十、板书(略)






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